How to register trademark for partnership firm?




Registering a trademark is an essential step for any business, including partnership firms, to safeguard their brand identity and intellectual property. A trademark provides legal protection and helps in building brand recognition and consumer trust. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the step-by-step process of registering a trademark for a partnership firm, with a focus on partnership registration in Hyderabad and partnership registration in Trichy.

What is a Trademark?

A trademark is a unique symbol, word, phrase, design, or combination thereof that identifies and distinguishes the source of goods or services of one entity from those of others. It is a valuable asset for a business as it represents the brand and its reputation in the market.

Importance of Trademark Registration

  1. Legal Protection: Trademark registration in Hyderabad provides exclusive rights to use the trademark for the goods or services it is registered under, protecting it from unauthorized use by others.
  2. Brand Recognition: A registered trademark increases brand recognition and trust among consumer.
  3. Business Value: A registered trademark is an intangible asset that adds value to the business and can be sold, licensed, or franchised.
  4. Legal Recourse: In case of infringement, a registered trademark owner can take legal action against the infringer.

Partnership Registration and Trademark Registration

Before registering a trademark, it is essential to ensure that the partnership firm is properly registered. This provides a legal standing to the partnership firm and simplifies the trademark registration process.

Partnership Registration in Hyderabad

  1. Choose a Partnership Name: Select a unique and relevant name for your firm that has partnership firm registration in Hyderabad.
  2. Draft a Partnership Deed: The partnership deed should include details such as the name of the firm, names and addresses of the partners, nature of the business, capital contribution, profit-sharing ratio, and other terms and conditions.
  3. Obtain PAN for the Firm: Apply for a Permanent Account Number (PAN) for the partnership firm.
  4. Register the Partnership Deed: Submit the partnership deed to the Registrar of Firms in Hyderabad along with the prescribed fee and required documents. Upon verification, the Registrar will issue a certificate of registration.

Partnership Registration in Trichy

The process for partnership firm registration in Trichy is similar to that in Hyderabad:

  1. Choose a Partnership Name: Ensure the name is unique and not similar to any existing registered firm.
  2. Draft a Partnership Deed: Include all necessary details and terms in the partnership deed.
  3. Obtain PAN for the Firm: Apply for a PAN for the partnership firm.
  4. Register the Partnership Deed: Submit the partnership deed to the Registrar of Firms in Trichy along with the required documents and fee. Upon successful verification, the Registrar will issue a registration certificate.

Conduct a Trademark Search

Before filing for trademark registration in Hyderabad, it is important to conduct a trademark search to ensure that the desired trademark is not already registered or in use by another entity. This can be done through the following steps:

  1. Visit the Trademark Registry Website: Access the official website of the Indian Trademark Registry.
  2. Perform a Search: Use the online search tool to check the availability of the desired trademark. This includes checking for similar/identical trademarks in the same class of services/goods.

Prepare the Trademark Application

Once the trademark search is complete and the desired trademark is available, the next step is to prepare the trademark application. The application should include:

  1. Details of the Applicant: Name and address of the partnership firm and the partners.
  2. Details of the Trademark: Description of the trademark, including the logo, word, phrase, or design.
  3. Class of Goods or Services: Specify the class under which the trademark is to be registered. The trademark classification system includes 45 classes, with each class representing a specific category of goods or services.
  4. Power of Attorney: If the application is filed by a trademark agent/attorney, a power of attorney is necessary.

File the Trademark Application

The trademark application can be filed online through the Trademark Registry’s official website or offline by submitting the application at the Trademark Registry office. For partnership firms in Hyderabad and Trichy, the application can be filed as follows:

Trademark Registration in Hyderabad       

  1. Online Filing: Visit the Trademark Registry’s official website and complete the online application form. Upload the required documents. And pay the application fee.
  2. Offline Filing: Submit the completed application form along with the required documents and fee at the Trademark Registry office in Hyderabad.

Trademark Registration in Trichy

  1. Online Filing: Use the Trademark Registry’s online portal to file the application, upload documents, and pay the fee.
  2. Offline Filing: Submit the application form, documents, and fee at the nearest Trademark Registry office.

Examination of the Trademark Application

Once the application is filed, it gets examination by the Trademark Office. The examination process includes:

  1. Formal Examination: Verification of the application form and documents to ensure they are complete and in order.
  2. Substantive Examination: Examination of the trademark to ensure it complies with the requirements of the Trademark Act. This includes checking for similarity with existing trademarks and determining if the trademark is distinctive.

Publication in the Trademark Journal

If the application for Trademark registration in Hyderabad passes the examination, it is published in the Trademark Journal. This allows the public to view the trademark and file an opposition if they believe it infringes on their existing trademark rights. The publication period is 90 days, during which any opposition must be filed.

Opposition Proceedings (if any)

If an opposition is filed, the Trademark Office conducts opposition proceedings. Both parties (the applicant and the opposer) are required to submit evidence and arguments to support their claims. After considering the submissions, the Trademark Office issues a decision.

Registration of the Trademark

If no opposition is filed or if the opposition is resolved in favour of the applicant, the Trademark Office proceeds to register the trademark. The applicant is issued a registration certificate, and the trademark is entered into the Trademark Register.

Renewal of the Trademark

A registered trademark gets validity for 10 years from the date of application. It can be renewed indefinitely for next ten-year periods. The renewal application should be filed before the expiration of the current registration period.

These are the steps to get Trademark registration for partnership firm.

Tips for Successful Trademark Registration

  1. Conduct a Thorough Trademark Search: Ensure that the desired trademark is unique and not similar to existing trademarks to avoid opposition and rejection.
  2. Choose a Distinctive Trademark: Select a trademark that is distinctive and not descriptive of the goods or services it represents.
  3. Accurate and Complete Application: Ensure that the trademark application is accurately filled out and all required documents are included.
  4. Respond Promptly to Office Actions: If the Trademark Office issues any office actions or requests for additional information, respond promptly to avoid delays.
  5. Monitor the Trademark Journal: Regularly check the Trademark Journal for any publications or oppositions related to your trademark application.


Registering a trademark for a partnership firm is a crucial step in protecting your brand identity and ensuring legal protection for your intellectual property. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide and ensuring proper partnership registration in Hyderabad or Trichy, you can successfully register your trademark and enjoy the benefits it offers.

Whether you are seeking partnership registration in Hyderabad or partnership registration in Trichy, the process remains largely consistent, with local nuances in the documentation and submission process. Ensure compliance with all legal requirements and seek professional assistance if needed to navigate the trademark registration process smoothly.