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We SHOPLEGAL provides EEPC registration in India –EEPC – Engineering Export Promotion Council - EEPC India has been the substance of Indian Engineering Industry over a range of 63 years, EEPC was setup in the year 1955 it was sponsored by Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, EEPC acts as active interface between Indian Engineering Industries and Government of India. EEPC provides lots of support to the engineering industry by organizing buyer sellers meets in India and abroad, overseas trade fairs and exhibitions.
Industries covered under EEPC
Pump and Valve Industry for agriculture, building services, water supply, Power generation, Oil and Gas, Metal & Mining etc.
Medical devices such as Surgical Equipments and Pharmaceutical Machineries.
Electrical Machineries, Equipments and Components such as Boilers, Turbines, Generators, Transformers, Switch Gears, Controls, Electrical Motors, Wires and Cables etc.
Textile Machinery and Accessories - Ginning & Spinning Machines, Synthetic Filament Yarn Machines, Weaving & Weaving Preparatory Machines, Processing Machines, Spinning, Weaving & Processing and Jute Machines, Textile Testing & Measuring Instruments, Hosiery Machines/Hosiery Needles, spare and accessories etc.
Advantages of registering with EEPC
Getting assistance for obtaining visa on business visits abroad.
Receives magazines every week via registered e-mail – it contain information related to global projects, tenders, current enquiries, notifications of government of India, reports on market, current foreign exchange rates, market prices of other engineering products at free of cost
Members (Indian Engineering Sector) can get coverage globally via EEPC India website by hosting or mentioning hyper-linking their own website.
Members of EEPC can avail various Export Promotional assistance and schemes of Government of India
Members of EEPC can attend exhibition conducted with world class facility by EEPC and also receive supports in participating in other events via EEPC India.
Members registered with EECP can get latest statistical and analytical information on India’s exports and imports and also on international Imports and Exports for products of registered members.
EEPC give free assistance on availing export finance with various institutions and banks.
EEPC act as gateway between Government and Engineering Industry to express their concerns and requirement to the Government.
EEPC provides an active interaction with the Government of India for availing incentives on time.
EEPC provides professional advice on up gradation of Quality and Technology in line with the International market requirements.
What is EEPC?EEPC – Engineering Export Promotion Council - a sponsor of Govt of India which provides support to Engineering Industry to market their product in the global market.
Who can become a member?
Manufacturers and processors of Engineering Goods.
Merchant Exporters, Recognized Export and Trading House, Design engineering, Consultancy, Erection, Ship Builders, Ship Repairers, Civil Engineering and Construction firms.
Institutions, Chambers of Commerce, Industries and Trade Associations
Small scale industries having export of engineering goods above 60 lakhs or below 60 lakhs as prescribed from time to time
Owners of Show rooms cum display centre of engineering products.
Why the Registration cum Membership certificate is required?
Any person or Company applying for - licence|certificate|permission to import or export of Engineering products other than items listed as restricted items shall be required to furnish Registration cum membership certificate
Availing any benefit or concession under any government policy shall be required to furnish Registration-cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC)
What are categories of EEPC registration?
ASSOCIATE MEMBER - A person shall be eligible for admission with EEPC as associate member, on receiving the Import-Export Code Number, in respect of the product with which the EEPC is dealt with.
ORDINARY MEMBER – (i) The entity should be associate member for atleast 3 years (ii) The entity should have average export turnover of Rs.30 lakhs in the preceeding three financial years in case of MSME others Rs.50 lakhs average turnover in the preceeding three financial years
What are the documents required for EEPC registration?
Self attested copy of IEC certificate.
Certificate from Chartered accountant on export turnover.
Cancelled cheque.
List of Partners/Directors with address – attested by any one among them
Manufacturer - Self attested Photocopy of Industrial Licence to be attached
If manufacturer is MSME - Self attested Photocopy of the MSME Registration Certificate to be attached.
Copy of PAN of company Certificate
Copy of PAN and Aadhar of proprietor / Partner / Director.
Proof of office – Copy of rental agreement and Electricity bill.
What is the fee for registering with EEPC?The fee for registering with EEPC starts at 5000 upto 45000 per year based on the turnover of the business entity.