Patent registration in Trichy Online Patent registration in Trichy


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Secure your patent registration in Trichy at Rs 35,000. A patent, sanctioned by the government, serves as a safeguard for innovations. Shoplegal offers Patent registration in Trichy, focusing on cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), cyber security, Internet of Things (IoT), and cloud computing, which contribute significantly to tech patents, accounting for over 50% of filings.

AI emerges as a dominant force in tech patents, with over 300 patents filed from 2015 to 2018, exploring innovative applications in navigation, digital payments, logistics, text/data mining, and cyber security. Patent registration in Trichy primarily span chemistry & chemical composition, pharmaceuticals, and mechanical & structural inventions.

Software applications often rely on method claims or system claims that detail the functions through flowcharts or process steps. While assessing patentability, the focus should center on the invention's substance rather than the specific form it's claimed in. When filing a Patent application in Trichy, the evaluation should encompass the entirety of the claim to ascertain its substance. In the context of Computer-Related Inventions (CRIs), the term 'ancillary' refers to elements crucial for its execution.

International Patent Application:

The PCT procedure:

  • Filing an International Application:
    Submit an international application either through the national patent office or directly via WIPO, following the necessary PCT formalities and paying the required fees.
  • International Search:
    The International Search Authority (ISA) conducts a search to identify published patents that might impact the patentability of your invention.
  • International Publication:
    Once 18 months have passed from the priority date, the contents of your international application are made public worldwide.
  • Preliminary Examination :
    The Indian Patent Office conducts the International Preliminary Examination upon receiving the prescribed fee.
  • National Phase:
    Following these steps, one can proceed to pursue patents directly with the national patent offices of the desired countries for obtaining patent grants.

Exclusive Rights

A patent holder possesses the sole authority over the patented innovation. They also have the privilege to transfer the patent or issue licenses for its use.

Legal Protection

Patent rights offer legal safeguards to inventions. The registration certificate and the details therein act as initial evidence in a court of law.

Intellectual Property

Patents belong to the category of Intellectual Property used to specify and differentiate the type of work. The Patent Act grants exclusive rights to the patent holder.

Profit Margins

Owning a patent allows the holder to prevent others from making or selling products as described in the patent. This control can increase the market demand for the patented product.

Trust and Goodwill

A registered patent helps establish trust and quality in customers' minds, fostering credibility for the invention or product.

Global Recognition

A registered patent enables the owner to reach a global market for their invention or product.

FAQ on Patent Registration

  • What is a Patent?
    A patent is a limited-time right given by the government to the inventor for their invention.
  • What is the term of a patent?
    The patent is valid for 20 years starting from the application filing date.
  • Indian Patent gives protection worldwide?
    No, patent protection is confined to India's borders and doesn't extend globally. However, applying for a patent in India allows the applicant to submit an international patent application through the PCT system.
  • What can be patented?
    An invention, whether a product or process, can be patented if it's new, involves an inventive step, and is industrially applicable. For patent eligibility, it needs to be novel, innovative, and suitable for industrial use.
  • When should an application to be filed?
    It's important not to delay filing a patent application as someone else might claim a similar invention. Filing a provisional specification is recommended to disclose the core of the invention's nature. This secures the priority of the invention.
  • Is it Necessary to visit the Indian Patent Office?
    Shoplegal attorneys handle online patent applications and communicate via emails. For hearings related to patent applications, they manage the process, attending in person when needed.
  • In which language can an application for patent be filed?
    You can submit a patent application in either English or Hindi.
  • Is it necessary to file a provisional application?
    You have the option to file a patent application directly with a complete specification, and it's not mandatory to file a provisional specification.
  • Is there any difference in the amount of fees?
    Various fees apply based on the applicant's category, such as individuals/Start-ups, SMEs, and legal entities.
  • Who is meant by patent agent?
    A patent agent is someone listed in the Indian Patent Office register after passing the patent agent exam.

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