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If you're in Chennai and thinking of starting an NGO, Trust Registration in Chennai is a great option. At We Shoplegal, we specialize in affordable Trust Registration services, providing everything from certificates to trust deeds. NGOs formed as trusts are a popular choice, especially for those aiming to tackle poverty, offer education to the underprivileged, provide medical relief, and promote arts, science, and literature. Non-profit organizations in Chennai have options like registering as Trusts, Societies, or Section 8 Companies under the Companies Act. These entities focus on public welfare with charitable purposes. Trusts come in two types: Public and Private, based on who benefits from them. The core aim of a trust is transferring property to beneficiaries.
One crucial thing about trusts is that they can't be changed or terminated without court permission. During online Trust registration in Chennai, we gather trustee information and draft the trust deed, outlining its objectives and how trustees will work towards those goals. Our focus is on providing a smooth customer experience, taking care of all legal formalities.
In India, trust registration online involves trustees agreeing to manage property they control for the benefit of others or for charitable causes. A trust places a responsibility on these trustees to legally hold the property, safeguard it, and use the income from it according to the intentions of the trust's creator.
At its core, a trust is an agreement where trustees take charge of property and use it for the benefit of others or for specific charitable purposes. If you're considering starting an NGO in Chennai, trust registration could be the perfect way to make a meaningful impact while adhering to legal guidelines.
Public Trust registration in Chennai:
Establishing and managing schools and colleges to offer education to children.
Creating and operating nursing homes or multi-specialty hospitals to provide medical assistance to the underprivileged.
Setting up facilities like old age homes to care for seniors, the elderly, and those with disabilities.
Improving the health of women and children while empowering women in society.
Offering social support services to the community.
Providing training programs for economically disadvantaged and marginalized communities.
Developing and maintaining temples or religious institutions.
Initiating projects to protect the environment from adverse impacts.
Supplying basic necessities like shelter, food, clean water, and essential facilities to those in need.
These endeavors aim to enhance education, healthcare, social welfare, and environmental conservation, benefiting various segments of society. If you're looking to support these causes or establish organizations centred on these goals, it could make a significant difference in the community.
Documents required for Trust registration in Chennai
Name of the Trust
Main objective of the Trust
Registered office proof – along with rental agreement, if taken on rent.
Copy of PAN and Aadhar of Trustees.
Corpus/ Amount to be funded by the Trustees for the Trust
Name of the Managing Trustee.
These essential details are crucial when setting up a trust. They ensure proper documentation and governance as you embark on your trust's journey to fulfil its intended purpose.
Private trust registration in Chennai:
In a private trust, the trust's advantages are directed towards specific individuals. The key aims of this kind of trust include:
Offering welfare and amenities to designated family members.
Managing and safeguarding specific private properties.
Private trusts are structured to cater to the needs and benefits of specific individuals or families. They focus on providing support and managing particular assets for the designated beneficiaries.